Your Vision, Your Value, Your Voice

Your Vision, Your Value, Your Voice

When I was in my 30’s I felt called to be a cartoonist.

The call was a vision of myself sitting around in my pajamas bringing my love of writing together with my love of drawing… and coloring! What a lifestyle!

So sat down and began drawing a little stick figure with a triangle red dress and gave her empty dialogue bubbles to find out what she had to say.

So. Much. FUN.

My creative mind kept me happily entertained for hours on end, but…  to be honest, it was also something of a problem child.

I couldn’t control it. It wasn’t orderly, neat, or logical.

Ideas would jump here… then over there… then back… then wayyyy out there.

I didn’t know it at the time but… ADHD.

Still, the call was strong and I persisted because that’s what creative types do.

But… lots of self-doubt. Lots of mean self-talk. Lots of starts and stops. Lots of unfinished projects.

Not fun. At all.

And so began an active relationship with my 3V’s – my VISION, my VOICE, and my VALUE.

THE 3 V’s
VISION – a calling that can’t be denied
VOICE – how you bring your calling into the world
VALUE – the magic that pours through when you trust yourself


A silver lining kind of a thing happened: the inner obstacles I repeatedly came up against turned into my material.

Today – 25 years later – I look back on that material (I was as much an archivist as a creative and saved it all) and I’m really grateful all that inner-angst made it onto the page.

It makes Ruby my perfect P.R. girl. She can be both a spokesperson for the work I do within Realize What Matters Mentoring AND an example of why such work is so needed (as represented in the last newsletter where she explores what’s behind not finishing things).

Here’s Ruby – the spokesperson for Realize What Matters – to tell you all more about The 3 V’s….

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How about you?

If you had to rate your relationship, one at a time, with your VISION, your VOICE, and your VALUE, how are they doing?

And how about how they’re working in conjunction with each other? Are they, as Ruby says, “in good cahoots”?

It’s great when they are. It makes doing what you’re here to do a whole lot easier… and I’m here to help if you need it.

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Or just write back to say, “Hi, Jeanne!”

I would LOVE to hear from you at the start of this new year.

Here we go, 2025…


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