Old Irons Back in the Fire

The first thing I want to say is Thank You for all the personal reaching out that happened in response to my last newsletter where I shared that Natalie and I had a very amicable parting of the business/coaching ways, and that I now coach solo once again.

The words of understanding and encouragement, the sharing of similar type stories, the invitations to catch up… my heart is lit up with them ❤️‍🔥

In fact, this newsletter is about something specific I’m very lit up about right now. To set it up properly, I offer a little backstory….


As a young teen I’d sit at my desk in my bedroom and design greeting cards. So sure that this was my path in life I wrote to Hallmark and asked if I could create a line of cards for them. I never heard back from them, but that didn’t stop me from going into production mode.

My best friend Sue White and I spent our weekends making cards together, but with no real distribution plan. Until her father suggested we bring them to the Sanford Nursing Home and give them to the residents.

I didn’t understand it as such at the time, but the heart warming interactions I had that afternoon in the nursing home told me something about the power of ‘the girl voice’.

Jump ahead 30 years…


It’s the advent of social media, and I want to connect with tween and teenage girls online because that knowing about the power of ‘the girl voice’ to effect positive change… it’s growing.

The plan is to use my cartoon character Ruby to invite girls to “find, shape, and share their great girl voices!”  

I come up with all kinds of ‘collab’ projects we can do together online. One is (no surprise) creating cards. Ruby Girl Cards.

The girls come up with inspirational quotes, and then we collaboratively figure out what Ruby would be doing to illustrate that quote.

Quote by 15 year-old Sanah Jivani

Art lesson and direction by Edward Murr

Illustration by Sharon Watts

Jump ahead 14 years…


Now it is my love of EFT Tapping that inspires a deck of cards. I will call them MAPit TAPit HABit cards.

Within the deck there will be three categories of cards…

The MAPit cards 

tips and tools on how to find & define the issue you want to address

The TAPit cards 

tapping scripts that can address the problem or internalize a useful concept

The HABIT cards 

tips and tools for turning the changes you’re making into your new way of operating

But when the idea came to me in 2022 – excited as I was by it – it got back burnered because… well, becaue within collaboration there is compromise and the redirecting of ideas into other forms.

Jump ahead two years…


But now… now… NOW… old irons are not only back in the fire, phoenixes are rising from the ashes!

🔥 ❤️🔥

Here is an example of a MAPit TAPit HABIT card – a tapping script that draws on a Japanese concept that is very Realize What Matters ….

How about you?

Do you have such a thread in your life? Something you loved doing as a young person – maybe even thought it could be your path in life – that you either still do or think it would be fun to get back into again?

I’d love to hear about it.


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